Invalid Clcik Activity Of Google Adsense

I accidentally clicked on my own ads .Will this cause a problem for my account ?

Although publishers are not permitted to click on their own ads for any reason , we do understand that accidental clicks my occur. We therefore don't require that you contact us every time you click on your ads . Rest assured that your account is being properly credited for all clicks and impressions we consider to be valid.

I noticed some unusual click activity on my account . How can I protect myself from invalid clicks?

If you suspect that invalid clicks may have resulted from a visitor to your site , we suggest that you review your site's logs for any suspicious activity and notify us with your finding . This information can help us in resolving any issued , although as outlined in our Terms and Conditions, Google will use its sole discretion when determining instances of invalid clicks . If you need help monitoring your site traffic , we recommend trying these Google search terms .

Webmasters resources
website tracking and logging
site traffic analysis

You may also wish to review our tips and guidelines for keeping your account in good standing .
Lastly , Please rest assured that we'll monitor your situation closely, and that your account is being properly credited for all clicks and impressions we consider to be valid..


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